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Friday, September 21, 2018


Key signs you are falling back to the outdated patterns you had before of the spiritual awakening

Once one goes through the spiritual awakening process, they cleanse a lot of toxic and outdated patterns stored within them. Although the awakening helps one to progress a lot based on unconditional love, the dark energies are still present within us; and they do manifest.

It is true that the Kingdom Of Heaven is within us since each one of us comes from the infinite light of the creator of the whole universe, but due to the attachment in the physical, darkness is being born.

Most of the lightworkers consider it as an illusion, but in my opinion they're blind in this aspect as the evil energies manifest too!

Been through spiritual awakening myself, lately I am manifesting many of the outdated patterns which I thought were totally cleansed from within due to the frequency upgrade. With the main purpose of helping those in the spiritual community, I am compiling a list of key signs which prove that one is falling prey of the outdated patterns.

You have started to judge people again 

When far away from unconditional love, people take actions based on low vibrations such as fear, jealousy and hate. To judge others means to judge yourself. Regardless of the fact that you are spiritually awake, old energies trigger outdated patterns in you and you start to see others from a dark point of view.


Personally I don't judge people. I usually do help them with my own light so they can wake up from the deep sleep. Lately, I have fallen prey of the fear based templates and I am judging some people.

You don't believe unconditional love is the solution to everything, like you used to do

When the initiate experiences true unconditional love from within, they feel like they have entered Heaven on earth. Having gone through the spiritual awakening myself, I used to believe that love is the solution to everything; and that's true!

The light exposes the darkness. There is nothing covered that the true light can not reveal. Going through another Dark Night Of The Soul, I am losing the initial belief in the power of love.

You have started to care about the news, especially the global politics

In the beginning of my spiritual awakening, everything started to trigger me, especially the news my father follows on the television. The vibrations I used to experience, did not resonate with the reality that they try to project on the people through the media. 

So I quit TV for some time. Lately I am very curious about the happenings that take place all over the world, especially the global politics.

You are truly worried about your future

When one goes through the spiritual awakening, the amount of unconditional love they experience forces them to open their eyes. Once lost in darkness, after the initiation they truly realize from within that love without conditions is the only language that can bring peace. After the awakening, the spiritual people have also realized that their future is the moment, not the projections implemented in them during their previous lives, especially their childhood.

Gone through the whole experience of the spiritual awakening myself, lately I am falling prey of the outdated patterns, especially the family ones. And I am truly worried about my future! Not that consuming energy on fear will bring positive results, but I am!

You want to make some money and think constantly about it

The system which we are part of, can not function without the money. At least that's what I think from my own humble understanding. One thing which those in the spiritual awakening community don't care about, is money! Only love matters to them.

To be honest one needs money to survive in this physical reality. In other words, you can not escape the system.

During the beginning of my spiritual awakening, I did not think about money at all, but lately I have fallen prey of the things of this world. I feel it. I am constantly thinking about ways to make money as I am still in the rock bottom.

I know it's a fear based pattern...

You have started to doubt the power within you

Since God created us on his image, the true power is within us, not the world. Those in the spiritual awakening community, are perfectly aware of my statement. I used to strongly believe in the power and gifts from within. I still do!

But lately the world is interfering with me. I have started to doubt my power from within due to the psychological pressure from the old templates. And as a result I have fallen prey of the outdated patterns.

You have started to distance people, even those in the spiritual community

When one truly believes in unconditional love, they are very open to the people, even those who they meet for the first time. According to the spiritual awakening philosophy, we are all brothers and sisters trapped in physical shells. Yes, that's true in a way.

Since our main patterns are being built based on fear, we setup walls with people. Lately I am distancing so many, as they only want to use me for their own gains.

You have started to worry about your physical appearance and your age

Once one enters the Kingdom of Heaven, in a way they feel detached from their physical body, from their outer appearance. They truly understand that they're souls, and not just a physical shell. Age and physical traits do not matter to them, at all!

Been through the spiritual awakening myself, at a certain phase I stopped caring about my age and my physical appearance. Not that I truly do care now, but I am falling prey of the outdated social templates.

So I am stuck again in the outdated patterns...

You have started to care about opinions others have on you

When one goes through the spiritual awakening experience, they truly understand that the judgment of others is the result of their blindness. So they don't care about the opinion of others. Not only they don't care, but they also forgive others for judging them as they know those who judge others act out of the fear vibration.

Prey of the outdated patterns again, lately I am spending a lot of energy on what others think of me; instead of putting it in progressive and good work.

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