Key reasons why your spiritual path is getting dark again, and what to do about it
Completely disconnected from its true nature, unconditional love; humanity has gone though a lot of darkness and evil. Prey of the low vibrations such as fear, jealousy and hate, people have manifested enough struggle through their entire history. Those in the spiritual path, for sure that understand the main reasons for all the darkness earth is going through.
Been through a lot of hardship lately, I feel like I am dying again. Probably another dark night of the soul...
With the main purpose of helping those lost again in darkness while walking their spiritual path, I am compiling a list of key reasons which have contributed in their next dark night of the soul.
You still have a lot of purging to do
Although you have cleansed a lot of toxic and negativity during your spiritual awakening, there is still a lot of work that should be done within you. The outdated templates and dysfunctional patterns still live within you. Pain which has been stored in your soul as a result of the suffering, is coming out.
Because of the ongoing process of purging, darkness is haunting you back.
The financial struggle you have been through for many years has brought a lot of frustration in your own life. Seeing no real progress in financial terms, you feel like spirituality is becoming a pretext to justify the poverty you are going through.Because of the ongoing process of purging, darkness is haunting you back.
You are still living in the rock bottom
When one hardly puts food on their table, they find it truly hard to continue their spiritual journey due to the temptations from the outer world.
You are going through another rebirth
For one to experience rebirth, their old self must die. Having experienced multiple spiritual deaths and rebirths myself, I am truly aware of the darkness one goes through during such process of energetic purging.The ego, which has been fed of lies and projections, fights the true essence of the soul. Such inner conflict must take place for the fake self to die and the true one to come alive.
Every time one goes through a spiritual rebirth, they have to experience a lot of darkness due to the constant battle between their ego and the true essence of their soul.
Family and friends are constantly trying to dictate your life
Been mind programmed through its entire history, humanity has experienced a lot of struggle by manifesting very low vibrational situations. Slave of their ego, people live their lives based on the code of the outdated templates which are mostly based on the vibration of fear.
Everyone who lives his or her own life based on the vibration of fear, can not avoid, but project fear on others. Since our families have not realized the true essence of their soul yet, they're constantly trying to dictate the flow of our lives.
You are looking for solutions out of yourself
Since God has created us on his image, each one of us has the true light within them. Due to the mind programming we have been through, we look for solutions in the outer world, instead of using the true essence of our soul to expose the darkness.
Tricked by the ego, you are probably bombarding the true essence of your soul with problems based on illusions.
You feel lost, you see no right direction
Because of the soul loss you have experienced, you have to lose everything in order for you to realize the true essence of your own soul. And now that you have touched rock bottom, your ego is trying to trick you, by pressuring you through the dysfunctional templates based on the frequency of fear.
There are infinite paths one can take, but only one is true. The one based on love without conditions. I know it is hard, I know it gets dark, but with the help of God you will make it.
You are pressuring yourself about your future
Nowadays people are focused on their career to the point that they're ready to risk everything for it, even their true essence of the soul. Being spiritually awake, you go against the flow. Love comes first for you.
Since the ego is very tricky, lately you are pressuring yourself really hard as you are projecting a future based on the outdated templates. Such psychological pressure you're putting on yourself, produces the kind of darkness which makes you feel like you're completely lost.
You don't have the initial trust you had on unconditional love
Based on my experience with the spiritual awakening so far, the more disconnected one is from unconditional love, the higher is the chance for them to fall prey of the low vibrations and the things of this world.
So the main reason for you experiencing darkness lately, probably a dark night of the soul, is the fact that you have lost your trust in the power of unconditional love.
So the main reason for you experiencing darkness lately, probably a dark night of the soul, is the fact that you have lost your trust in the power of unconditional love.
What to do about it?
The darkness which comes out of a dark night of the soul is life changing. It changes one forever. In a way it is necessary for one to experience darkness since their fake self has to die for the true one to come out.
Based on my personal experience with multiple dark nights of the soul, I highly recommend that you stop fighting and accept the work God himself is performing within you. Everything happens for a reason, so focus on the bright side and enjoy the path.
True light exposes everything. It heals everything!
Based on my personal experience with multiple dark nights of the soul, I highly recommend that you stop fighting and accept the work God himself is performing within you. Everything happens for a reason, so focus on the bright side and enjoy the path.
True light exposes everything. It heals everything!
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