This Cambodian Cafe offers its clients the company of a real reptile friend while they enjoy their drinks
Coffee shops are frequented daily by people as they need to socialize with each other and also have a good time after work. Since people have different personalities, the coffee shop owners design their businesses to match the specific needs of their customers.
With the main purpose of keeping his clients entertained while staying at his Cafe, Cambodian Chea Raty has themed his business with reptile tanks. According to him, each client who visits his Cafe can choose to have the reptile they want to keep themselves entertained while sipping their drink.
People fear reptiles in general, but for Chea there is nothing one should fear about them as he believes that we as human beings have misunderstood them due to their scary appearance.
Being an authentic idea, the reptile-themed coffee shop has brought Chea many clients and his Cafe has also caught the attention of the global press.
Clients who consume drinks in his business, like to play with the different reptiles and also take pictures with them which they later upload on their social media profiles. The following photos are taken by Chea's clients while they were enjoying good time with reptilian friends.
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