Guy sells Holy Water on Craigslist, it costs $25 a bottle to get into Heaven

When Jesus Christ came here on earth to teach the people the word of God, he said that nobody can see the Kingdom Of Heaven unless they're being born again by water and spirit. Having experienced a rebirth myself through the Holy Ghost, I do truly understand what the King of Kings meant while teaching such lesson to the spiritually dead people.

Living in a material based life, wolves in sheep clothes would do anything to make money. Especially nowadays. And Christ warned us about the extremely hard days to come after his resurrection.

God is sending those who are being born again, as sheep among the wolves. That's why we as Christians need to be wise as snakes and harmless like doves.

Unfortunately not every Christian is keeping the word of God. That's why most of them have fallen prey of the wolves! That's why most of them will buy holy water...

                        Holy water being sold in Craigslist, $25 a bottle

The truth rebirth can come only from the Spirit Of God; the Holy Spirit! Salvation is not for sale, how can holy water be so?!

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