Brainwashed child preacher yells Bible's verses at the audience, when they ask about the meaning he gets stuck

Being a Christian myself, I am truly aware to the fact that for one to fully understand the word of God they must be born again through water and spirit. Although most of the people can read the Holy Bible, for sure that only a few of them can understand the context of the verses being used.

Unless one has been touched by the Holy Ghost, they can not understand the word of Jesus Christ as their heart is not open to receive it. They're far away from unconditional love. Their third eye is dirty, and so is their body... They are just corpses moving!

One thing which I truly hate is the religious indoctrination of the little children, without them being aware about the true meaning of the scripture. Memorization of verses is just a mechanical process which should be done by robots and computer machines, not human beings.

While doing some research about Christianity on Youtube, I came across a video in which a child preacher is asked by the audience to yell a verse from the Holy Bible and later interpret it for them so they can understand what it really means.

Famous for yelling verses from the Holy Bible at his school, the child preacher courageously yelled a few words from the scripture, but later when they asked for its context he got stuck.

'I know what it means, but it is a bit hard to understand. Even the prophets didn't know what they were speaking,' the kid said.

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