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Friday, August 24, 2018

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Death and birth with the Holy Spirit, the main signs based on my personal experience

Since my spiritual journey started I have been going through major shifts as a person. In the beginning I used to be a free soul, away from any kind of spiritual doctrine. Lately I have realized that the only way to save your life, is to lose it.

Yes, I became a Christian. Most of the people can not understand such decision of mine as they're in a sleep state; they're not filled with the Holy Spirit.

Through this blog post I am going to explain the death and birth that comes after being touched by the Holy Ghost, the true spirit of God. All the information comes from my personal experience with the awakening by Jesus Christ.

People are dead, unless they're filled with the Holy Ghost

Although such claim may seem a bit extreme to the most of the people, I have come to the conclusion that most humans are just zombies racing in Satan's kingdom. Almost everyone is lost in materialism and consumerism, even the little children.

Away from their true nature, unconditional love; people are totally falling for the system of the Beast. They're just numbers in his system, but they fail to understand it for the main reason that they're blind.

I used to be dead too at a point in my life. Jesus Christ got me in his arms and opened my eyes to realize the true light, the Kingdom Of God which is within us.

Thanks God I am not dead anymore. I live from within and I am completely aware of my daily sins, of my past ones.

Rebirth with the Holy Spirit 

Once one is touched by the Holy Spirit they're being born again and their sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ who defeated the Devil on the cross. Their soul becomes white like snow, totally free of sin.

Having experienced the death of the Beast and the rebirth of the soul myself; I feel like a little child. As the King Of Kings said, the Kingdom Of Heaven belongs to little children.

Fact is that one can not understand the rebirth through the Holy Ghost unless they have experienced it themselves; unless the King  Of Kings has decided to wake them up.

The following words of Jesus Christ, describe perfectly the rebirth through the Holy Spirit.

I say to you, unless one is born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom Of God.

As I mentioned earlier one can not understand the Kingdom Of Heaven, unless they realize the infinite light that they're.

When one is born again through the Holy Ghost they're dead for the world, as the world is under the dominion of Satan. 

What are some of the signs that one is experiencing death through the Holy Spirit?

Here are the main signs that show one is being born again

1. When one is born again through the Holy Ghost they're dead for the world

I don't mean to judge, but the world is lost in sin. Everyone is worshipping the Beast so much that they're becoming just numbers in his system.

They fail to realize that they're being manipulated by the Devil as they are far away from the true essence of their soul, which is pure light and unconditional love.

When one is being born again by the Holy Ghost, they stop to be part of the system as they enter the Kingdom Of God. They're dead for the system and alive for the Kingdom Of Heaven. They stop to exist in the Kingdom Of Flesh. Not that they're dead in the way that they can not change anything, because they expose the darkness of the system with their light; but their flesh is dead.

2. When one is born again through the Holy Ghost they go against the flow

As it is mentioned in the Holy Bible, every kingdom on earth is under the dominion of Satan. The templates which control the lives of humans are based on ego and fear, not on unconditional love. 

The dead fishes go with the flow, they swim blindly in the darkness which the Devil has prepared for them. 

Lately I have realized that I have been a fish against the flow my entire life. I fight the darkness with my own light; I go against the stream.

Only the dead fishes go with the flow.

3. When one is born again through the Holy Ghost they preach peace

I have been born in an area which has gone through a lot of suffering from darkness in almost its entire history. Totally isolated from the light of the world, my country is still suffering from the templates which are being built on the vibration of fear. 

Now that I  have been born again through the Holy Ghost, I do feel it is my mission to expose the darkness and bring the people to the true light; to Jesus Christ!

Although sometimes I do get frustrated and spit fire, peace is my main concern. True peace; peace which comes directly from the Prince Of Peace.  

When one is being born again through the Holy Spirit, they shut down conflicts with the rivers of water flowing inside them.

4. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they live for Christ

Before of meeting Christ I was walking totally blind, in the path of the flesh; in the path through which most of the people are walking. After being born again through the Holy Ghost I realized that without anchoring in Christ, I am totally dead.

I am alive now and I live for the Jesus Christ. The King Of Kings said that for one to earn their own life, they have to lose it.

Christ meant that for one to live, their body has to die. Their desires of the flesh must die!!!

5. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they have no lust or sexual desires

Being young, I used to have a lot of sexual desires. My body was having total control over my soul. Right now I am no longer controlled by my past passions or lusts.

When one is being born again through the Holy Spirit, they become like little children. They come to true light and realize that the Kingdom Of God is about unconditional love, not about the desires of the flesh which for sure lead to nothing, but death! 

For sure that I want to marry; there is a women whom I truly do love. What I am trying to communicate to you is that my flesh no longer controls me. I control my body, my body does not control me!

6. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they are adopted by God

We are all children of God; but not everyone is following Christ. Most have followed the Devil! They're blind to realize the truth.

Being born again through the Holy Ghost, I do feel like I have been adopted by God. Truth is that I am. Everyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit is a true child of God.

Although I have parents here on earth, my Father in Heaven comes first for me!

7. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they no longer fear death

To most of the people death means to die physically. Being touched by the Holy Ghost, death for me means to die as a soul in the Lake Of Fire.  

I no longer fear the physical death. I feel like a Holy Ghost walking on earth. I know that God has placed me in this position for a special mission.

8. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they speak the truth with fire

Jesus Christ spoke the truth without fear. He is the King Of Kings, the Lion Of Light! Nowadays it takes courage to speak the truth as it exposes the Kingdom Of Satan.

Being touched by the Holy Spirit, I don't fear anymore to expose the darkness with my own light.

9. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they become a threat to the system

As I mentioned earlier in this blog post, all kingdoms of earth are based on darkness. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they automatically become a threat to the system as their light starts to shine through the darkness.

And since the system is based on darkness, light is a true threat to it!

10. When one is being born again through the Holy Ghost they no longer care about their outer appearance

There is a lot of mind programming happening in the media today on how one should dress. Unless they follow the latest trends of the fashion industry they're being considered as outdated. 

Personally I never did care on how I look. As long as I don't smell bad, I feel comfortable in my outdated clothes.

Now that I am born again through the Holy Spirit, I don't judge by the code of the world, but I live my life based on unconditional love.

Final thoughts

Being born again as a little child through the true Spirit Of God, I am not longer blind! I am truly happy that God opened my eyes. Without the rebirth through the Holy Spirit I would be another lost soul, another number in the Kingdom Of Satan.


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