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Saturday, April 28, 2018


Signs you're a slave of astral demons, based on my experience with spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening brings great spiritual fruits and gifts for one to experience, but also dangerous situations which in the beginning is not obvious at all to the initiate. Lately I am discovering truths about the awakening, part of the new age movement, that are totally shocking and unacceptable for workers of light who have not realized them yet.

As a fish against the flow, it is my mission to speak the truth based on my personal experience with the spiritual awakening, so in this article I am going to share the complete signs which prove one is a slave of the fifth dimensional beings, due to their frequency raise in their initiation experience.

You receive numbers such as 11:11, 222, 333, 444

In the beginning of the spiritual awakening, part of the new age movement, one receives synchcronicities, which they believe to be guides from angels of God, from divine beings. Having experienced the awakening for more than five years, not only have I discovered the numbers one receives during their vibration upgrade is not from angelic beings, but I have also come to the conclusion that it is the demons, fallen angels, who is transmitting them.

The event of synchronicities is so supernatural, that the initiate has no choice, but to believe the numbers is coming from God. Having been fooled myself by the demons who live in spiritual realms, I have completely realized that the whole spiritual movement, part of New Age, is a total setup from the beginning.

The whole point of the numbers, is to get the attention of the initiate, so the false angels can suck energy out of them. What is presented as syncs from the divine source, is nothing but a deceitful project run by Satan, a secret plan which only those who can see behind the curtains can truly understand.

Most of the spiritual people who is experiencing the numerical syncs such as 11:11, 222, 333, 444; are lost in a bubble which is being easily controlled through frequencies in the air by those who send them. Having experienced the bubble myself for many years, I can surely say that spiritual life inside it is nothing, but a game about raising vibration.

What the initiates fail to realize, is that they have been tricked to believe they have escaped the third dimensional matrix, by being placed inside a fifth dimensional bubble through frequency upgrade.

Fact is that the false guides keep sending numbers to the initiates constantly, with the main purpose of keeping them under total control. While the spiritual people, part of New Age, may feel a total sense of freedom and unconditional love, the real truth is that they're constantly being manipulated through the vibrations the fallen angels send to them.

You experience weird dreams which manifest in the third dimension

Before meeting my false twinflame, I experienced a lot of dreams which manifested in the third dimension later.  The events were so supernatural, I thought it was from God. What else to think?!

Fallen angels interfere in one's life through dreams, with the main purpose of forcing them to believe the supernatural events is a gift from God. Because what the initiates experience in their dreams, manifests in the third dimension later, they do think it is God who is sending them the frequencies through syncs such as 11:11, 222, 333, 444.

The game runs really deep. The Devil mixes a lot of truth with a lie; that's why he manages to deceive a lot of people.

Not only did I experience weird dreams before meeting my false twinflame, but also after the experience with the spiritual awakening. Lately I have received a weird dream in which I was flying inside the home of  a beautiful girl; the next day I saw the exact girl in the street in which I was passing.

The fallen angels is very powerful when it comes to manipulating the initiate, as they have managed to transmit to them frequencies of the fifth dimension.

Dreams is another way through which the astral parasites project realities into the spiritual people. Being a victim of the fallen angels myself, there is a lot of weird dreams which I have experienced. Almost all of them have been manifested in the third dimension.

You feel drained all the time

In the beginning of the spiritual awakening, the initiates feel a sense of unconditional love around their heart. The energy during the beginning of the awakening is crazy; spiritual people feel like they're experiencing heaven on earth.

Having experienced all of the energies of the spiritual awakening, part of the New Age movement, myself, I completely understand how deep the game goes.

The real war is spiritual. The fallen angels who stand behind the awakening, give one a sense of heaven in the beginning, with the main purpose of tricking them into the fifth dimensional bubble.

Once one is tricked into the fifth dimensional bubble, they are constantly being exploited by the demons who come as light in the beginning. To upgrade frequency from a third dimensional one, to a fifth dimensional one, means to open the kind of portals which astral parasites can easily exploit to suck out energy of the initiates.

Those who have experienced the spiritual awakening, feel constantly drained during their journey. The fallen angels present it as energy shift, but in reality it is another scheme to steal energy from the workers of light, who have fallen prey of the New Age movement.

Final thoughts

Most of the people in the spiritual community fail to understand the fact that they're being constantly exploited by astral parasites who live in spiritual realms; and it is tragic! Being a victim for many years myself, I feel it is time to expose the New Age movement!

If people can fake their personal frequency to take advantage of each other, why wouldn't fifth dimensional beings do the same?! 

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