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Thursday, September 14, 2017

She has swapped gender three times

The modern medicine has advanced to a certain point it offers solution to crazy ideas of anyone in this world. Lately gender change is happening more often, becoming like a normal thing in the open minded today's society. Although we have covered a few cases in this website about people changing gender, that of Ria Cooper is way different than the previous ones being discussed in here.

According to different blogs on the Internet, she is swapping gender for the third time. At the age of fifteen, Ria went under the knife as she did not feel fine in the body in which she had incarnated, a male body. When asked what made her take such decision at a very young age, Ria replied back that she knew she was in the wrong body since she was five.

A very hard journey for the soul is that of Ria. Her gender story did not end up with the first transition as she had to go back to being a man due to the psychological pressure being put on her by the society. Regardless of the support by her family, at 18 she got really depressed as nobody was accepting to hire her because of the gender change she had gone through. It was at this time when Ria felt her life was being ruined so she went back at being a boy.

At 18, she is Britain's youngest gender-swap patient.

But being a boy does not work for her. As soon as she put man clothes on, she decided that such thing is not for her. The struggle which Ria has been through has given her great confidence to grow the women body she truly wants.

She is a happy women now, totally focused on herself and her future.

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