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Thursday, September 14, 2017

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Black women turning white, a sign from God

Originally born black, a young women named Iomikoe Johnson was going through a very difficult time on her life as her skin is getting white due to Vitiligo, a long term skin condition which results in loss of the natural pigment. In the beginning she had suicidal thoughts as people around her was not accepting to even shake her hand, not until her boyfriend expressed his unconditional love did she stop to have such dark feelings.

The two photos below show Iomikoe before and after she got sick with Vitiligo, sickness that taught her to love herself without conditions.

Iomikoe when she had a normal skin

Iomikoe after her skin getting white and fully accepting heself, even sharing her body with the entire world without any fear

In a world where the matrix has fabricated a perfect image how women should look, there are souls who incarnate with a specific mission. Although the pain which comes after struggle of the illusions is real, an indigo child such as Iomikoe is doing a huge work by accepting her new body as it is, talking on media and TV about her experience so far.

While many may have judged her in the beginning due to her physical appearance, for sure they do feel self acceptance in the pure light her smile radiates in the environment.

Her smile resonates with pure love

No matter what some people go through, they still find the force within them to vibrate unconditional love. Being a lightworker myself, I can tell that Iomikoe's mission is help other women find the true beauty within themselves and stop looking for it in the outer world. Full of white light, she seems very brave, the fact she is sharing her story for the public is a sign from God.

A weak prey of the matrix, women from all over the world have fallen prey of the media's image on how they should look like, it is the perfect image of the female being promoted with all kind of ads forcing them to consume toxic products which the industry sells so a few people can get rich.

I do believe in here smile.

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