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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Video, crystal child refusing to eat the octopus, his mom sheds tears

Awake children, coming from higher dimensions, bring their pure love energy to mother Earth with the pain purpose of healing it. The humanity has been through a lot of struggle, mainly because of its own ego. Although grown man has a tendency to not believe in the power of kids, the change awake children are bringing on our planet can not go unseen.

A perfect example of good improvement of our mother is the work of crystals, born healers who have a deep love for animals and nature. Carrying a very sensitive soul, crystals are very protective when it comes to hurting other creatures, it is their mission to set up an example for others to follow.

Thanks to the internet technology, now it is possible to see the work special kids are doing, appreciate it and share with others. It was a little crystal on Youtube, refusing to eat the octopus his mom had cooked that inspired me to write this short article.

"I want the animals to stay alive", says the crystal child with a healing voice everybody loves. For more watch the video shared below.

If new to awake children, then read our article about these gifted beings and learn about their true mission here on Earth. Love and Light.
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