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Monday, August 7, 2017

Blue Whale suicide game creator calls his victims biological waste

Blue Whale is an online game which is getting a lot of attention for the fact it has taken lives of so many teenagers who played it. The game consists of specific daily tasks which the victim should accomplish and send proof to the administrators who give the instructions on the internet via web chat applications or social networks such as According to different blogs, the one who participates in such game has no right to go back; at the end death is for sure.

The creator, a 22 year old from Russia, when arrested has accepted that he was behind such game, but when asked the reason for running it, the answer is truly shocking. According to the evil mastermind behind such psychological matrix which is responsible for the death of more than 100 teenagers in Russia, he is helping society by cleansing biological waste.

Only someone with no soul can commit such kind of crimes and not feel sorry later. Not only he does not feel bad about lives he has taken through his game, but he also says that the victims are happy to die, like he is helping them.

"They were dying happy. I was giving them what they didn’t have in real life: warmth, understanding, connections.", said Philip Budeikin during an interview in St Petersburg.

I also did write a detailed article on Blue Whale with the purpose of exposing its darkness, how it works and why so parents realize it is time to teach their kids unconditional love.

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