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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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Autistic boy screams for help, gets bullied

Although the planet is waking up to unconditional love, there is a lot of darkness around which is responsible for the pain of most of the humanity. Some of it is really scary, so far away from high frequencies such as inner peace, happiness, forgiveness and love.

A case of a group of bullies picking up on a nine years old autistic boy, has really triggered some negative emotions in me, it is shocking what they did to him at the end. Romeo Smith, the young boy from Mansfield, is an easy prey for wanna be gangsters as his kindness attracts a lot of weak souls who find joy in exploiting or hurting other beings. Such stuff is also confirmed by Romeo's father, who is truly worried about his son.

What did they do to the innocent kid?

The victim has decided to keep his mouth shut, maybe due to the psychological pressure the bullies have done to him, but thanks God his father was present to the 'crime' scene, seeing everything with his own eyes.

Due to the fear, Romeo had climbed into a tree to escape the young thugs, unfortunately he experienced hell when coming down as one of the dark souls did throw a piece of wood with a nail in it.

The following image explains everything.
The nail had hit his skull, doubling the suffer of his soul on the earth plane. It feels really horrible to see such young kid suffer so much, especially to a lightworker.

Not only autistic Romeo has to deal with the suffering which comes from his 'sickness', but he also has to face a bunch of 'thugs' who have lost their soul to the devil.

Even devil himself could not wrong the little angel...

According to trusted sources on the blogosphere, the police has decided to let the bullies free as they have shown remorse after the action. While many many think this is a good gesture from the police, I truly do believe that the ones who made Romeo suffer so much need a lesson, backed up by the justice system.

What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments section.

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