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Friday, January 5, 2018

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IMMIGRATION CRISIS: Germany’s women are scared and avoid public spaces after migrant sex attacks

The NYE sex attacks on Germany’s women have had devastating effects on their behaviour. During the New Year’s Eve celebrations at the end of 2015, at least 1,200 women were either sexually assaulted or raped. The incidents took place in Cologne and other German cities and the perpetrators were mostly migrant men.

According to police in several cities, fewer women were seen attending New Year’s Eve parties in public spaces this year. For example, in Germany’s third largest city Munich, fewer people were partying outside, but especially fewer women. On the other hand at many places such as the “Marienplatz” a lot of migrant men were visible.

In the city of Stuttgart, “significantly fewer women were celebrating at the Schlossplatz,” said Stuttgart’s police spokesman Olef Petersen. According to police in Hanover mostly men with a migrant background were seen on the streets, especially near the city’s station.

The same observations were made in large cities like Frankfurt and Hamburg. Only in Berlin were women in high attendance but it came at a price: The well secured party and fenced off party with even a special women’s only protection area, while well visited, was only brought about through Sharia like separation of the sexes.

Anxiety professor Borwin Bandelow says about this new phenomenon: “There are exaggerated fears that lead to avoidance behaviour, but in this case they are real. Women have to fear that something could happen to them during public celebrations. That is what Cologne showed.”

He adds: “As good as the news this year was: It was only possible under a massive police force – and because many women did not even celebrate.” The security of this holiday is “unfortunately very fragile”.

A study showed that the number of women feeling unsafe in public places has increased significantly in 2016: From 42 to 56 percent.

Source, tradecatknight.

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