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Saturday, June 4, 2022

Some fishing from our girls


The idea that a man hunts while his female takes care of the household and the children is a bit archaic. Females have proven to be good hunters. 

The followings are some daily catches from our girls.

Enjoy the photos and make sure to share the post.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Key signs you are feeling worthless during your spiritual awakening, and what to do about it


The world in which we live in is run by low vibrations such as fear, jealousy, greed and hate. Being spiritually awake, I have realized that most of the people have fallen prey of ego games. My mission is not to judge them, but to open their eyes. I was blind too.

During the beginning of my spiritual awakening, I had to go through multiple dark nights of the soul for my ego to die. Not that I am Jesus Christ, but for sure I know that true worth comes from within, as the true light is within us.

With the main purpose of enlightening those lost souls on their true worth, I am giving the key signs which one can use to check if they're feeling worthless.

You have no true friends and you feel rejected

When one becomes spiritually awake, they lose everything due to the fact that they discover the true essence of their soul. Although in the beginning of their awakening one feels love without conditions, later they have to go through a dark night of the soul. Probably multiple ones. It is during the dark night, that they start to feel worthless.

Being a total failure in college, I lost all my connections. Lately my ego is tricking me. I am starting to really feel worthless.

You feel really bad about being poor

As I have mentioned in my previous articles, I come from a poor family. Although I have tried to generate money on the Internet, blogging is not my full time job yet. 

Going through the rock bottom, my financial situation is getting worse than ever. Each day it passes. Since nowadays we live in a consumerism age, my ego is tricking me to feel worthless about the fact that I am poor.

The pressure of the society is forcing me to think about money. Not that I am putting the fault in anyone, just saying that I am feeling the pressure through my ego.

You feel abandoned by everyone

During the spiritual awakening, one goes through a lot of evil and toxic cleansing. As they start to understand that they should love themselves first, people abandon them. Personally, I started to feel disconnection from the people I knew, at the moment I got spiritually aware.

Lately I am missing people. I need someone to talk to without fearing judgment, but I don't have one. Is it that I have no worth in this world that people don't want a friend like me?

You have started to care about the social status in your society

Those who are not aware about the true essence of their soul, unconditional love; are prey of the outdated templates of their society. Almost everyone in this world cares deeply about their social status.

Although I am unconditional love, being a human, I also feel the psychological pressure of the low vibrational templates. I have no status in the society, I am financially broke. I have no connections, nothing! I don't exist for the world.

You are rejecting yourself when it comes to romantic love

When one is financially broke and not aware of the unconditional love within them, they fall prey of their own ego. The world in which we currently live right now runs on the low vibrations which I mentioned earlier on this blog post. 

Being prey of the outdated templates, you are feeling unworthy of someone. You don't believe that you deserve to be loved by someone out there.

You are pressuring yourself about the fact you have not accomplished anything

Each one of us has been equipped by God with all the required tools to accomplish miracles here on earth. People can invent and build. History has proved it. 

Being wise spiritually and mentally you believe only in unconditional love, because only love will liver forever. There is nothing wrong with that. It is the best thing to do, but you should also produce holy fruits.

Having failed in college, lately I am feeling worthless. I know it is the tricks of ego, but sometimes I get caught in it. Although I am aware of the fact that no good comes from pressure, I am falling for it.

Final thoughts

Although people feel worthless during their spiritual awakening, they need to remind themselves that such period is a temporary one. As you go through multiple dark nights of the soul you are going to learn that only by fully accepting the light you have within you, you can truly realize that this worth thing is an earthly game. A satanic one!

Filled with the Holy Ghost, I seek Jesus Christ for help. And he is all the time ready for me and for everyone who seeks his help. The light of the world, exposes all the darkness and evil. It fully heals you. 

The true light is within you. For now you probably think I am saying lies due to the fact that God is still working on you, but I truly advise you to keep faith and let your mind die. Let go, for God to make a new creature out of your ashes.

There is nothing wrong with treating yourself nice or having money, but it is wrong to become a slave of  cash and physical things of this world!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Holy Bible is giving me bread and water


Coming from a poor family, my parents are constantly fighting my spiritual journey. They don't like it, especially the fact that I spend most of my time reading the Holy Bible. Not only that, but they have started to make fun of me.

'Stop reading that, it is not going to give you bread,'  they say.

Although I am facing a lot of opposition from my family because of my spiritual path, I don't judge them as they are not filled with the Holy Spirit; not yet. Being a born again Christian, I can not live only by bread and water anymore.

The word of God is the most important thing to me. Filled with the Holy Ghost, I can not live without reading the scriptures. The word of God is my real food.

Christ explained it perfectly that one can not live only by food alone. Those who have passed from death to true life need the word of God daily, almost every moment.

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Every time I read the word of God, I find inner peace. True peace! He comforts and keeps me safe from the evil of this world. The water that lives within me, helps me to shut down conflicts; inner and outer ones.

But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life.

Truth is that we Christians have been persecuted through our entire existence. And we are going to get persecuted in the near future too.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

My custom domain expired and my blog is losing many organic views


I used to own a custom domain name which pointed to this blog; Unfortunately it has expired and I am losing many organic views. The work which I had put constantly on this website used to receive organic traffic daily, but lately my statistics are dead due to inactivity.

Being in the rock bottom, I can not afford to renew my previous custom domain right now. I decided to write this short post with the main purpose of advising new bloggers out there to make sure they take in consideration to save some cash for their custom domain name; unless they can pay the price of losing traffic.

Without traffic, you can not make a life by blogging. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Key reasons why your family is fighting you in your spiritual path


When one becomes aware of the true essence of their soul, their life changes 180 degrees. One goes from living their life based on outdated templates, to living based on love without conditions. 

Based on my personal experience with the spiritual awakening, when one starts to truly love themselves, they become an outcast to their society and their family for the main reason that their light exposes the darkness of others.

Having gone through a lot of tense arguments with my family during the spiritual awakening process, I am listing a key reasons which explain why your parents fight your new path.

Your parents want to see their dreams materialized in you

As you may know, parents project their dreams on their children by implementing thoughts on their ego. When one becomes spiritually awake, they truly realize the mind programming that has been gone through their entire life; and they get rid of it. As they start to materialize their true self in the physical plane, their family tries to hold them back.

Being spiritually awake myself, I am facing a lot of opposition from my parents as they don't understand my new way of living life, due to the fact they're not aware of the true essence of their soul.

Your parents feel like they're totally losing control over you

When one discovers the true essence of their soul, unconditional love; they become a new creation. Having experienced such process myself, I do feel that my parents are trying in every way to get me out of my spiritual path.

Being a new creation, I don't follow the outdated templates anymore. Due to this fact, my parents are totally losing control over me and they can not accept it. This is another reason why they're fighting me on my spiritual path.

Your parents want the old you back

Having gone through multiple dark nights of the soul during my spiritual awakening, I have become a new creation. Living my life based on love without conditions, my parents are not understanding me lately

Since I have got rid of many fears, I am making my decisions based on my light. My parents don't understand this, so they want the old version of myself back.

Your parents are worried about you, they think you might go crazy

During the spiritual awakening you change so much that your parents don't know who you are anymore. Living your own life based on unconditional love, you create the kind of energy which stands for the opposite of this world. Since your parents are not aware about the true essence of their soul, they find truly hard to accept the new you. They are worried about you going crazy. 

So another reason for your parents fighting your spiritual path is the fact that they're extremely worried about your spiritual health as they don't understand what you're going through.

Your parents can not accept for you to live in the rock bottom

Those who have experienced spiritual awakening, have to go through the rock bottom first so they can realize that only unconditional love will live forever. Unfortunately most of the people are being lost in ego, they're spiritually dead. Being unaware about the true essence of their soul, they're falling prey of the materialism.

Since your parents are part of the world, they can not understand that rock bottom is necessary for your spiritual path, that's why they use it as an argument to fight you.

Final thoughts

Having gone through a lot of struggle with my parents during the spiritual awakening, I have come to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason and you have to let go, unless you want to create more drama in your family. The fact that they fight you in your spiritual path, means that they don't love themselves without conditions. Instead of judging them, try to understand under the hood why they act certain ways with you while you're walking your spiritual path.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Key signs you still care about your outer appearance, although you're spiritually awake


Being spiritually aware, and a Christian, I no longer care about outer appearance. Having experienced multiple dark nights of the soul, I have come to the conclusion that one should love themselves without conditions first.

Although those who are spiritually awake don't judge others by the outer appearance, there is a short period during their spiritual awakening process, in which they start to care about their physical presence as they fall back to the outdated templates. 

I am going to to share some key signs that prove you still care about your outer appearance, although you are aware about the fact that you're not a physical shell, but a soul.

You don't feel comfortable in your outdated clothes

Nowadays people follow the latest fashion updates to the point that they sacrifice even their food budget. Everyone who does not fit in, is being considered as outdated. Dressing outdated clothes myself, there are certain moments that I feel like I am left behind.

You are very careful about the photos you upload on your social media 

The life we try to project on social media, is far away from the one we truly want. Deep down people want to love and be loved, but the mind programming done through their ego leads them to live fake lives.

Although spiritually awake, when it comes to uploading photos on your social media profiles, you are truly careful on what you share. In other words, you're not spontaneous.

You have started to really care about the opinion of others

Although you live from within, lately you have started to really care about the opinion of others on you. You want to look good in presence of others. Prey of the outdated templates and very low vibrations, in a way you are living for others.

You feel psychological pressure when dressing used clothes

Most of the people are part of the game of the ego, they're not spiritually aware at all. Prey of the materialism, they judge each other on the outer appearance. 

Since those who dress used clothes are usually labeled as poor, lately you are fearing to dress worn clothes. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

German teenager denounces refugee rapists through her poem, the city officials call her Nazi


Due to the sexual frustration refugees have experienced in their native countries, they rape women when they migrate to places which have way more tolerant laws. Victims of rapists, the German people are denouncing the ugly acts through many different forms; one of them being poetry.

A teenage girl, Ida-Marie Müller, has successfully generated a lot of buzz on social media through her poem, during a Poetry Slam in Speyer.

“From far away the man fell into the hands of traffickers, with no passport and a mobile phone. He arrived in our hallowed German land. Because he can’t get a lady, he helped himself to one with a knife.”

After reciting her poem, Ida-Marie has received a big applause from the crowd, giving everyone the idea that she should be the winner of the contest. Unfortunately it did not happen like that.

Not only she did not win the contest, but she got also labeled as a Nazi by the city officials and the local media. Later her house got defaced by someone spay-painting "Nazi" on the walls.

Being spiritually aware, I have come to the conclusion that those who speak the truth do always suffer. The truth is a threat to those who care only about their financial gains and total control over the masses.


Key reasons why you should love yourself without conditions before loving someone else


Since the world in which we currently live in is powered by low vibrations such as hate, jealousy and fear, most of the relationships people develop with each other are primarily based on self-interest. Even the romantic ones.

Having experienced unconditional love during my spiritual awakening, I have come to the conclusion that we can not love another one without loving ourselves from within first. With the main purpose of helping you to avoid toxic relationships, I am listing in here some key reasons on why you should love yourself first, before loving someone else.

When you don't love yourself without conditions, you have not accepted yourself fully

When one does not love themselves without conditions, they take decisions based on the pressure they feel due to outdated templates which are based on low vibrations. Decisions based on the vibration of fear, lead to masks and undesired situations. As you live your own life through masks, you attract fake people. The same thing with your romantic relationships.

For you to meet true love, you have to accept yourself without conditions as the only thing that is true is unconditional love. Only love without conditions will live forever!

When you don't love yourself without conditions you hurt others

Based on my personal experience with toxic people, I have come to the conclusion that those who are hurt deep inside, hurt others very often due to the fact that they're not aware of their fear based actions. Blind in darkness, people who don't love themselves without conditions hurt others as they can not see the bigger picture. As far as my experience goes with life, people who don't love themselves without conditions end up beating their partners.

On the other side, those who love themselves without conditions find it really easy to control themselves during tough situations.

When you don't love yourself without conditions you try to control others

A healthy romantic relationship is primarily based on self respect and unconditional love. Those who don't love themselves without conditions seek control of their partner as they think based on fear and other low vibrations.

A relationship that is based on control is a fake one, it does not flow from the free will. On the other side, when one loves themselves without conditions they act out of love so they don't need to control their own romantic partner.

When you don't love yourself without conditions you build conditional romantic relationships

Being programmed through our ego, we do fall for darkness. People built their romantic relationships based on material interest, especially nowadays. Totally blind, they try to establish every kind of relationship by judging from the outer appearance. Based on my humble understanding, everything that does not have unity from within, does not last long!

Being a fish against the flow, I have always believed in unconditional love. I have been always against the conditions of this materialistic world.

When you don't love yourself without conditions the vibration of jealousy takes control over you

Those who don't stay in unconditional love, are being constantly possessed by very low vibrations. One of them is jealousy. By living their own lives based on such frequency, people suffer from within as their ego is constantly battling the true essence of their soul.

By being constantly jealous about your partner, you push your romantic relationship to destruction due to the fact that the vibration of jealousy brings on many fights.

When you don't love yourself without conditions you can not attract true love 

Based on the Law of Attraction, one manifests what they reflect. For you to find unconditional love, you have to love yourself without conditions. You have to accept yourself with all your flaws, your good and bad qualities.

At the moment you have accepted yourself without conditions, there is a very high chance for you attract another one who has accepted himself or herself without conditions.

Feel free to add me on facebook to discuss spirituality.


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