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Monday, January 1, 2018


A happy soul has balance to the principle of life

Principles of life either flow in our nature or we become estranged and life becomes meaningless and depressive. How important it is to have balance. It can be as simple as your diet and intake of food. Food needs to be portioned in perspective to activity and seasonal temperatures. Learn to eat more often and snack more healthy foods like fruit and vegetables, along with nuts and seeds. Eating too much in one sitting is unnatural and can lead to fatigue and overweight conditions and stresses the digestive system. This occurs when the blood sugar levels are ramping up and down to low spots. When you are hungry eat. When hungry, wait for your body to tell you what it needs. Learn to listen to its wisdom.

Exercise daily, sitting down at a computer for hours and not moving will cause havoc to your body. Hydration of clean water are so important.Your daily activities require your minds on duty and action to your work. But you must find time to study and a time to input music and balance creative thoughts and programming. Stay away from being tired and turning on the television to hear depressing reactive “news”. This is what pulls you into mass programming and more restlessness. As important as food is so is your input of data and media, be selective. Just remember you have a choice to participate in the drama of the collective world or to create your own sanctuary of peace and balance. Let people have their problems, you do not need to make it yours, especially if you can do nothing about it.

Touch people in your sectors of life with your positive, this benefits the world much better. Just remember, that the governments are acting to program you in mass media for their agenda, not your benefit. Keep good company with yourself and listen. Be selective of those around you for this imprints frequencies around you. Keep a good balance between cyberspace and reality. For the two are very different and many hide in the boredom of life estranged on Facebook and other social media because it is safe in Cyberland. A walk in nature and breathing can do a lot for your well being. Keep balance here, schedule your time and use it wisely for this affects your attitude. A positive attitude comes from a rested well nourished body.

You can accomplish more after time with rest and recreation than you can if you think spending long hours will do. You will always flow better and things just fall into place when you are in balance. Become friends with yourself. LOVE and reward your soul and body in LOVE and be in the sun for at least one hour a day. Learn the art of breath. If you are stressed, you can just sit back with fresh air and breath deep inhales for five minutes and lower your stress and blood pressure. Keep things orderly in your surround, the viewer or consciousness appreciates this, as well as the energy flows. Learn about the power of scents for they can cleanse negative energies and bring tranquility.

Take your life seriously, it is a gift and learn to laugh for life is often a cosmic playground of learning experiences.

Source, Quential/Mark Thompson/Denise Price

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