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Sunday, October 7, 2018


Key signs you still care about your outer appearance, although you're spiritually awake

Being spiritually aware, and a Christian, I no longer care about outer appearance. Having experienced multiple dark nights of the soul, I have come to the conclusion that one should love themselves without conditions first.

Although those who are spiritually awake don't judge others by the outer appearance, there is a short period during their spiritual awakening process, in which they start to care about their physical presence as they fall back to the outdated templates. 

I am going to to share some key signs that prove you still care about your outer appearance, although you are aware about the fact that you're not a physical shell, but a soul.

You don't feel comfortable in your outdated clothes

Nowadays people follow the latest fashion updates to the point that they sacrifice even their food budget. Everyone who does not fit in, is being considered as outdated. Dressing outdated clothes myself, there are certain moments that I feel like I am left behind.

You are very careful about the photos you upload on your social media 

The life we try to project on social media, is far away from the one we truly want. Deep down people want to love and be loved, but the mind programming done through their ego leads them to live fake lives.

Although spiritually awake, when it comes to uploading photos on your social media profiles, you are truly careful on what you share. In other words, you're not spontaneous.

You have started to really care about the opinion of others

Although you live from within, lately you have started to really care about the opinion of others on you. You want to look good in presence of others. Prey of the outdated templates and very low vibrations, in a way you are living for others.

You feel psychological pressure when dressing used clothes

Most of the people are part of the game of the ego, they're not spiritually aware at all. Prey of the materialism, they judge each other on the outer appearance. 

Since those who dress used clothes are usually labeled as poor, lately you are fearing to dress worn clothes. 


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