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Saturday, February 24, 2018

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I am a lightworker, but I need to eat

Being a worker of light on mother Earth is really hard, especially when it comes to navigating the physical plane. To be honest, survival is the primary thing each one of the humans is truly focused on as everyone needs to put food on their tables.

Everyone needs to survive. Lightworkers too! 

Although most of the people in the spiritual communities believe in the idea of a world without money, truth is that at the moment such thing is not possible. Hard to imagine! So one needs money to make their physical existence happen in this dimension.

And of course that everyone one of you knows that people work to make money. Spiritual development is really important for your journey here on mother Earth. Work too!

Lately I have started to work as a web designer in a small company. I am making spirituality secondary and work primary. God is teaching me that one should manage to survive in the earth plane by themselves before they fully live a spiritual life.

Everything is a lesson. The more lessons your pass, the less Universe tests you. Why am I saying this? Because before getting this job, I started doing the wrong things. Or at least, that's what I think! And the Universe was testing me in all kind of ways...

Finally I am materializing my computer skills. To be honest I am really thankful to God for bringing me the people I was looking for. People that share similar views on life, people that understand me! And trust me guys, it matters a lot! Having people around you that vibe with your vibration is a bless from God!

So please, if an opportunity knocks on your door please open it. The fact you are a lightworker doesn't mean you shouldn't do something for a living. 

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