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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Teen stabs his own mom, lightworker opinion on it

Image source, BeyondScaredStraight

Humanity is dealing with so many anger problems at the time I am writing this article as everyone is getting ready to shift to higher vibrations. Teenagers are the ones who find it really hard to manage their anger, they mainly express it through violence in the school environment and sometimes even in their families. Although it may seem like a big joke to many who consider themselves tough, if not taken care right, youngsters can become the next criminals because of the frustration they have been dealing with during their childhood.

A perfect example of violence coming from an angry teenager is that of Willie, a 13-year-old teen who has stabbed his mom because of the anger issues he is going through. For sure the young kid has been gone through so much pain in his childhood, negative energy which he wants to get it out.

"When I get angry I usually get mad, blow up and try to fight everyone ", says the lost teenager. Because of anger issues, in a near future the kid may become a threat to the society so the police is trying to school him through a program called Beyond Scared Straight. For those of you who are not familiar with it, the program has the intention of moving the at-risk teens in the right path by showing them the wrong ones through a one-day session in prison.

When you really think about it, as humans we do learn lessons by experiencing the opposites, so the program is not a bad idea. Although Beyond Scared Straight may produce the desired results, I do find it really harsh as the participants in such program face a lot of psychological violence from real time prisoners.

During the spiritual awakening I had to deal with so many anger issues myself. As the negative energy was leaving my own body, darkness did trigger me to develop violent actions. Thanks God I did not.

What I am trying to say is that when one is dealing with anger issues, it is their fake self which decides for them. Responding back with the same negative energy, not only is not going to solve anything, but it will for sure make the situation worse.

The ones who are hurt deep, need to be treated with unconditional love all the time so their soul gets the lessons it misses. Most think that ones who are responsible for crimes should be jailed and treated miserably for what they did. Although suffering is one of the ways which helps a lot in the spiritual growth of someone, having reached unconditional love of self I can not accept such way as the only one to deal with people who are going through a lot in their own life.

For more concrete information on the situation of the young Willie, feel free to watch the following video and analyse for yourself.

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