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Friday, August 11, 2017


Man becomes a Ken doll

Rodrigo Alves, a show man in United Kingdom,  has gone through 50 cosmetic surgeries to look like the Ken doll from Barbie and Ken. During an interview for This Morning, the human doll claims to be feeling truly comfortable after all the modifications his body has gone through due to the cosmetic surgery operations. 

By spending over than £370,000 on altering and maintaining his physical shell, Rodrigo has managed to experience a total transformation, now looking exactly like the fictional boyfriend of toy Barbie. Although this is so much money for a person to spend on such things, the man does not feel regretful for what he has done as the old body was uncomfortable to fit in.

"I don't feel like I look like a doll, I just want to perfect myself with the help of plastic surgery.", says Alves during the interview.

Lately many are deciding to try cosmetic surgery to transform the bodies which they're born with, as they say it is not comfortable. To be honest, I think that the confidence should come from within, the outer one is a fake one. The human doll has also said that doing plastic surgery is like going to the gym, something which I don't agree at all.

The following is a photo which shows the human Ken before and after the cosmetic surgeries he has gone through. 

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