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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

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13-year-old trapped in a toddler's body

Every soul who incarnates here on mother Earth comes with a specific mission only they can understand, or the ones who are spiritually awake. While most of the humans choose to have a healthy body in their pre birth plan, there are a few who decide  to take really hard journeys needed for their own spiritual growth.

Such case is that of a 13-year-old kid who has been trapped in a toddler's body. According to his mother her son is happy all the time regardless of the limited physical abilities.

It is really a weird case. From the perspective of a lightworker I do find such trap weird and beautiful at the same time as this soul is in here to teach us the most important lesson. No matter how we look on the outside, we can still be happy as the true happiness is the inner one.

According to different blogs on the internet, Angus is born with a special chromosome abnormality which does not allow him to grow. He stopped growing when he was only three years old, but his bravery helps him in showing the true essence of the soul.

A great and tough experience this kindred soul has chosen to go through here on mother Earth. Although most will view this as a really heavy weight on someone's life, it is always a good idea to remember that Universe makes no mistakes, all happens for a reason.

The mother of Angus seems like a really cool lady to hangout with as she reflects light when dealing with her kid. It is lessons on both sides. The most important one which the two souls are teaching to each other is that of unconditional love.

The following is a video of Angus and his mother. Enjoy it.

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