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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

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Trump: Access Hollywood tape is fake

The actual president of United States, Donald Trump, has lately claimed that the Access Hollywood  tape which he asked forgiveness for after it got released to the public, is fake and doctored. Such claim has angered the American people, especially the women as they feel totally disrespected by their own president.

In the beginning, when the tape was revealed in October 2016, Trump acknowledged it was him assaulting women and asked for an apology. Now he is playing a different game.

The following is the video in which Mr. Trump publicly apologizes for the words he had used to during a conversation with Billy Bush, then the host of "Access Hollywood".

But what made Donald Trump change his mind? He would never apologized if he believed the tape to be inauthentic, right? Trump's support for Roy Moore, is been used by him as a tool to respond to the popular tape in which he talks about grabbing women by their genitals.

"He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to adviser more recently.", wrote The New York Times back in 2017.

By apologizing and then claiming the video is fake, Donald Trump insults women of the entire world  for the second time as he tries to lie us openly. Nobody who truly love themselves should stay quiet about the latest response by Donald Trump on the Access Hollywood tape.

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