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Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Jewish kid gets beaten up by Israeli police for being pro Palestine

The politics is so cruel that it does not care about anyone who gets on its way. The world has experienced the kind of tragedies in which even children have been sacrificed to keep in power a few people who control the sheep through manipulative frequencies.

When one speaks the truth to the world, they face a lot of pressure from the authority and those who prefer darkness over light. Thanks to the Internet, freedom fighters can easily spread their case world wide in a matter of seconds.

While surfing the web, I came across a video in which an innocent boy was beaten brutally by Israeli police while he was protesting peacefully the annual Jerusalem Day parade which celebrates Israel's capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Mideast War. Being spiritually awake, I was deeply touched by the way the police treated the kid. Nobody helped him.

"Israel is occupying the Palestinian people in my name. I myself an American Jew, I'm here to say that is completely unjustified and ethically reprehensible and all people of the world will not stop until this occupation ends.", said the wise kid during the protest.

As he was getting attention by the alternative media, the Israeli police showed up, attacked the kid verbally, pushed him away and then they arrested him by force.

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